Everything is Not As it First Appears

Hello Dreamers, Thanks for being patient with fewer posts lately as I have been working on several exciting new projects - I want you to know you are all appreciated! Dreaming of terrorists or terror attacks does not always mean a terror attack will take place in your or others’ lives. Nonetheless, it does not [...]

Predicting 9/11 and Our Dance with Consciousness

If we could successfully pick out the predictive dream coins from our treasure chest of dreams, could the 9-11 atrocities and other such disasters have been prevented? Did many people foresee the events of that day or was what they claimed to have seen in such visions false, overexaggerated, or a product of a mind [...]

The Premonition Code; Seeing The Future

Can we see the future? If we receive a seemingly premonitory dream and see ourselves having a car crash but we avoid the crash in waking life because of the dream, are we even seeing the future? If so, are there many possible futures as suggested in the book The Premonition Code (2018)? Or, are [...]