The Intricacies of a Shared Dream

This article was originally published on The Lucid Hive Hello Dreamers! I believe that clues to the origin and purpose of shared dreams may be found not only in how they are similar, but importantly, in how such shared dreams are dissimilar. Being fortunate enough to be part of a community of Dreamers whose membership [...]

Sitting Bull’s Prophetic Dreams

Hunkpapa Lakota tribal leader and oracle Sitting Bull (Tatanka-Iyotanka) believed that dreams and waking visions could foretell the future and it is claimed that they helped him win a major military victory against more technologically advanced US forces at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876. Sitting Bull's and other Native American dreaming experiences beg [...]

The Premonition Code; Seeing The Future

Can we see the future? If we receive a seemingly premonitory dream and see ourselves having a car crash but we avoid the crash in waking life because of the dream, are we even seeing the future? If so, are there many possible futures as suggested in the book The Premonition Code (2018)? Or, are [...]

Where Do Our Dreams Come From? & REVIEW: Lucid Dreaming Made Easy

Charlie Morley's book, Lucid Dreaming Made Easy - A Beginners Guide to Waking Up in Your Dreams (2015), gives an excellent introduction to the subject of lucid dreaming, focussing on scientific, religious and other ancient approaches to dream work. The book offers much thought-provoking content that invariably leads us to ask: where do dreams actually [...]

Why Do We Really Dream? REVIEW: Dreams That Can Save Your Life

In the book, Dreams That Can Save Your Life – Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases, dreamers, health care practitioners and other professionals outline their amazing experiences with prophetic dreams, as well as their harrowing battles with cancer. Importantly, many of the dreams have been professionally documented and may help convince sceptics that [...]

These Thoughts Are Not My Own. REVIEW: Matthew Walker’s ‘Why We Sleep’

It isn't often that we find books that give a thoroughly decent and unbiased account of the scientific nature of sleep and dreams, but Matthew Walker’s (2017) Why We Sleep just does that. Whenever we see Freudian thinking being criticized by an academic I believe we should all rejoice! This informative and interesting book hits [...]

Predicting the Future Through Dreams

Why do dreams show us the future? Is it so that we can warn people and prevent potential catastrophes, or is it to simply show us that there is meaning to life, even in the most extreme life or death situations?

NEWS: U.S. Pastor Correctly Predicts Through Dream Significant Meteor Strike in Michigan?

A preacher in Downriver, Michigan, claims to have correctly prophecised a major meteor would impact the Great Lakes region. Rick Satterfield, described in a Youtube video how he had received a dream that foretold him of an impact from space that would shake Ohio and Canada. "I had a dream that a meteor was [...]