A Dream Made for Two

This article was originally published in the June 2021 edition of The Echo World Have you ever had a shared dream with another person? Dreams that had so many matching details that you could not find any ‘rational’ explanation for them? If so, you are not alone! History is replete with examples of shared dreams [...]

The shape of words – Typographic meaning in dream journaling and the future

This article was originally posted on The Lucid Hive What does it mean when the way we draw or write something seemingly inconsequential in our dream journal ‘unintentionally’ becomes relevant through the unravelling of future events in our waking world? Can words and images take on another symbolic meaning to that which was intended because [...]

The Intricacies of a Shared Dream

This article was originally published on The Lucid Hive Hello Dreamers! I believe that clues to the origin and purpose of shared dreams may be found not only in how they are similar, but importantly, in how such shared dreams are dissimilar. Being fortunate enough to be part of a community of Dreamers whose membership [...]

Seeing the future, ‘future’, a speculated construct, or seeing the past?

This article was originally published on The Lucid Hive Hello Dreamers! I recently had a set of experiences in March that I found extremely difficult to classify as events that simply showed me the future. A careful consideration of the information in relation to previous dreams opens up some intriguing questions about the nature of [...]

Sitting Bull’s Prophetic Dreams

Hunkpapa Lakota tribal leader and oracle Sitting Bull (Tatanka-Iyotanka) believed that dreams and waking visions could foretell the future and it is claimed that they helped him win a major military victory against more technologically advanced US forces at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876. Sitting Bull's and other Native American dreaming experiences beg [...]

Interpreting Your Own Dreams for a Better Future – A ‘Radical’ Approach

This article was originally published on >>>> The Echo World (January 2021 Issue) Whenever we have dreams that we want to decode one of the first ports of call is often Google or other internet search engines. We type our search term, such as ‘Dog meaning in dreams’, and hope for the best in a [...]

The Premonition Code; Seeing The Future

Can we see the future? If we receive a seemingly premonitory dream and see ourselves having a car crash but we avoid the crash in waking life because of the dream, are we even seeing the future? If so, are there many possible futures as suggested in the book The Premonition Code (2018)? Or, are [...]

Red Pill or the Blue Pill – Morpheus, the God of Dreams?

As the much anticipated Matrix 4 begins filming for an initial release date of April 2022, we take a look at the role and influence of dreams in the film series and one of the Matrix's most central characters, Morpheus. Morpheus's name was not simply coined from nowhere. Morpheus is in fact inspired from a [...]

Faith in Dreams, Faith in God. The Struggles of a Reluctant Believer.

The time between  two seemingly profound dreams can often cause us to struggle. As we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, we begin to look and long for these profound signs to re-emerge and remind us that there is more to life and that the vague memory of our previous dream [...]

A Little Bit On Synchronisity

Synchronicities are the universe's way of telling us everything is going to be ok. They tell us that everything has a purpose here on earth and can work alongside dreams to make the speakerphone even louder, and shout at us: 'Hey! Have you got the message yet!' Signs of a Bad Omen I once saw [...]